Sunday, December 23, 2007

#14 Technorati

I searched for "Learning 2.0" in blog posts and got 3,226 results. In tags I got results. In the blog directory I got 451 results. The most useful would probably be the blog directory results. It seemed like the results from the blog directory search were blogs entirely devoted to the topic of "learning 2.0", whereas the results from the other 2 searches were not really relevant. The tag search was sort of useful, but the first couple matches on the tag search were kind of minor posts that had a million tags, one of which was "learning 2.0." It was kind of hard to understand them out of context and then the search in blog posts was all over the place. It's basically like the difference between subject and keyword searching I suppose.

I explored the popular blogs on technorati. They ranked them 2 ways: by most favorited and most linked to. I found that a lot of the most popular blogs were about technology or about blogging. I guess that is not surprising when you think about it, but it's not exactly what I was expecting. The most favorited blog on the day I checked was boing boing. It is a blog about cultural curiousities like a giant shoe that is actually a piece of furniture for a child.

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